This site is dedicated to American life and features evidence and true data (facts)
This site is dedicated to American life and features evidence and true data (facts)
Politicians are protected by fully automatic Real assault weapons. Democrat Mayors and Prosecutors release felons into society and gladly allow violent protestors to go free. Democrats tell ICE to not go after illegal alien criminals. BUT Democrats want to restrict honest Americans from protecting their families from criminals while they are protected by the firearms they want to take away from us. It's time for a Ban on Assault Politicians.
From 1991-2018 as more people purchased guns, the U.S. violent crime rate decreased 51%, according to the FBI's Uniform crime Reporting program. "A gun is a tool that allows women, elderly, and disabled people to defend themselves against aggressors who are usually physically larger and stronger." Carolyn Meadows
The Second Amendment of the U. S. Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The Second Amendment, often referred to as "The Right to Bear Arms," is one of 10 amendments that form the Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791 by the U.S. Congress.
The framers of the Bill of Rights adapted wording of the amendment, from nearly identical clauses in some of the original 13 state constitutions. During the Revolutionary War (when the United States declared its independence from Great Britain and King George III in 1776), “militia” referred to a man or groups of men who banded together to protect their communities, towns, colonies and states.
Many in America at the time thought federal government should only be allowed to raise armies against foreign adversaries. For all other purposes, it should turn to part-time militias, or ordinary individual civilians using their own weapons.
Opponents of a strong central government (known as Anti-Federalists) argued that a federal army deprived states of their ability to defend themselves against oppression. They feared Congress might abuse its constitutional power of “organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia” by failing to keep militiamen equipped with adequate arms. This is the danger of congress, for the constitution protects us from them, so congress never overpowers the people.
Therefore, shortly after the U.S. Constitution was officially ratified, James Madison proposed the Second Amendment as a way to empower state militias. So the Second Amendment established the principle (held by both Federalists and their opponents) that GOVERNMENT DID NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DISARM CITIZENS.
In 1939 the U.S. Supreme Court adopted a Collective Rights Approach, determining that Congress could regulate a sawed-off shotgun that had moved in interstate commerce because the evidence did not suggest that the shotgun "has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated milita."
A national firearm registry is prohibited due to the1986 Gun Control Act and the Brady Act of 1993, which created the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and made it clear that NICS cannot be used to create a firearm registry.
In 2008 the U.S. Supreme Court revisited the issue in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290). The plaintiff in Heller challenged the constitutionality of the Washington D.C. handgun ban, a statute that had stood 32 years. The Court, meticulously detailed the history and tradition of the Second Amendment at the time of the Constitutional Convention, and proclaimed the SECOND AMENDMENT ESTABLISHED AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT FOR U.S. CITIZENS TO POSSESS FIREARMS and struck down the D.C. handgun ban as violative of that right. The Supreme Court held that the "SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECTS AN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO POSSESS A FIREARM UNCONNECTED WITH SERVICE IN A MILITIA, AND TO USE THAT ARM FOR TRADITIONALLY LAWFUL PURPOSES, SUCH AS SELF-DEFENSE WITHIN THE HOME.
In 2022 the New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. Bruen: the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on 6/23/22 that citizens have the right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.
In Heller the Second Amendment protects the individual right to have a gun in the home for self-defense (right to keep arms). The case of McDonald states this individual right is enforceable in the states. The ruling in Bruen means the Second Amendment also protects the right to carry a gun outside the home (right to bear arms).
Justice Thomas delivered the opinion of the Court: In District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570 (2008), and McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U. S. 742 (2010), we recognized that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect the right of an ordinary, law-abiding citizen to possess a handgun in the home for self-defense. In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense. We too agree, and now hold, consistent with Heller and McDonald, that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.
Now states may no longer force gun owners to show a special need when they apply for a carry permit, we have an individual right to keep and bear arms including carrying them in public and any future gun control measures by state or federal government must justify its regulation by demonstrating it is consistent with the nation’s historical tradition of firearms regulation. This ruling strikes down New York regulations requiring citizens to show proper cause to get a license to carry a concealed handgun in public.
The 2nd Amendment is one of 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791 by the US Congress
A Wise Woman:
“Want to know Joe Biden’s ultimate goal? Just look north to Canada’s Soy Minister, Justin Trudeau. They are on the path of ‘regulating’ guns, which means their end goal is that NONE are allowed.”
“When the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment, they had just finished a war to liberate themselves from tyranny. They didn’t just get back from a hunting trip. This is about your freedom.”
March 9, 2021: Rep. Marjorie Greene: "Today I rose to speak on the House floor against two Democrat attacks on our Second Amendment rights - HR 8 (National Gun Registration) & HR 1446 (Permanent Firearm Waiting List).
History tells us gun registration leads to confiscation and "waiting lists" allow unelected bureaucrats in DC to deny your right to purchase firearms. " I OPPOSE both these bills and urge every Republican to do so as well."
6/13/22 Tucker Carlson: Red Flag Law: Democrats want to seize firearms from people who have not committed a crime
A judge can order confiscation of your firearms based on hearsay evidence, without ever being charged, tried or convicted of a crime
Your accuser can attack you in a secret court hearing that you don’t even know is happening and you aren’t even allowed to be in the room to defend yourself
Once a liberal judge decides you no longer get to own firearms, your firearms will be confiscated
Isn't it considerate that POLITICIANS WHO ARE PROTECTED BY FULLY AUTOMATIC REAL ASSAULT WEAPONS, WANT TO TAKE AWAY AMERICAN'S RIGHTS TO DEFEND THEIR FAMILIES WITH JUST SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIREARMS? Wouldn't it be wonderful to be so special as a politician, that your life is above the laws and dangers that the normal public families have to face?
June 26, 2021: by Charles C.W. Cooke: Faced with polls showing support for stricter gun control is lower than it has been in years and a Congress that has, thus far, rejected the more radical among his ideas, President Biden (D) decided to fall back on lies.
During a speech he announced a slew of executive orders. Biden ran through a Greatest Hits of misleading gun-control talking points. He said that “nothing I’m about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment.” This is false. He said “if you walk into a store and buy a gun, you have a background check, but you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want and no background check.” This is false. He said “universal background checks are supported by the vast majority of the American people.” This is false. And he said “the only industry in America, a billion-dollar industry, that can’t be sued, that’s exempt from being sued, are gun manufacturers.” This is false.
Biden alternated between insisting the Second Amendment is “not absolute,” which is technically true but practically meaningless, and arguing that none of his proposals “in any way impinges” on the provision, which is a lie.
It is correct that the U.S. Bill of Rights leaves room for exceptions at the margin; felons, for example, are not permitted to own guns. But it does not follow from this that whatever the president wishes to do is acceptable - especially given that this president wants to prohibit the AR-15 and ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, both of which are protected by Heller’s “in common use” standard.
Doubling down, Biden proposed “from the very beginning, you couldn’t own any weapon you wanted to own.” Naturally, though, he failed to elaborate beyond that. Why? Because it’s simply not true. The first federal gun law, remember, was passed in 1934, and, crucially, even that prohibited nothing.
The president continued his attempt to sell “universal background checks,” which he pretended were unanimously popular and justified with a myth that was first debunked in 1994. “You go to a gun show,” Biden said, “you can buy whatever you want and no background check.” But you can’t. Under the 1993 Brady Act, the same rules apply to gun shows as apply everywhere else: If a person is in the business of selling firearms, he is obliged to run a background check on his customers wherever the transaction takes place; if, by contrast, he is not in the business, then any private transfers in which he engages are subject to the rules set by his state.
As for Biden’s claim that his plan is popular? That is correct only until the discussion reaches the details. When asked vaguely whether they favor “background checks,” supermajorities of Americans will say that they do. When asked how that should be achieved, however, they disagree strongly - which is why referenda on this question invariably pass or fail by a couple of points and why Congress has steadfastly declined to amend the existing rules.
Biden wrapped up with what may be the worst falsehood of all: That the firearms industry is “the only industry in America ... that can’t be sued.” This is nonsense. As Biden knows, the protections the firearms industry enjoys—as codified in the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act - are limited to the misuse of their products by a third party. In other words, gunmakers are protected if a criminal uses one of their pistols in a crime, but not if one of their pistols malfunctions or is badly made. This law exists because bad-faith actors were attempting to use the courts to get by fiat what they could not get via legislation - or, in other words, because bad actors were attempting to perform exactly the same circumvention as President Biden is trying to achieve with his pen, his phone and his many, many lies.
History teaches us over and over, that Registration ALWAYS leads to Confiscation, then increased government fascist control.
Once the government knows what firearms you have through registration, and where you have them stored, it is much easier for them to come and confiscate them by force (while at the same time, all politicians remain protected by fully automatic real assault rifles.)
The Second Amendment is the cornerstone of Liberty. Individual rights are not subject to a public vote and a majority has no right to vote away individual rights of a republic. The political function of our rights, is to restrain the government and to protect all of us from the government. This includes protection from oppression by mob majorities (including government) and protection for women, senior citizens, and minorities, with the understanding that the smallest minority on earth is the individual.
For 140 million American gun owners (42% of population), the right to a firearm is the right to live independently with protection from predators, but a leftist democrat movement has been threatening to dismantle it. Curiously, it is funded by Ultra-Rich who hire armed guards to protect themselves, and it is being designed by politicians who are protected by security with fully automatic real assault weapons. They don't like that the second amendment protects our human right to self preservation.
Leftists are afraid of the public being a free people. The Second Amendment undermines their attempt to turn people into submissive subjects. Gun controllers say they want safety, but measures they propose would not affect criminals who do not obey laws. And it would make law abiding individuals dependent on, and at the mercy of, the government for their safety. Thus robbing individuals of the fundamental right to preserve their own lives. The left wants a subservient citizenry that begs for government handouts, and has to cower to thieves, rapists, and murderers. Gun-rights advocates want freedom and to be at the mercy of no one else. The state is not omnipresent at all times to protect everyone, and therefore a personal weapon fills the void in emergency situations of necessary defense - to be used until the arrival of authorized police, thus preserving our safety and independence.
Biden thinks people should not have weapons that look like military weapons, but the constitution says the opposite. The Constitution was written to guarantee our rights. Congress does not have the right to abuse its constitutional power by preventing people to be equipped with adequate arms. In fact, the constitution was designed so "We the People" have more strength than the government. The founders wrote the Second Amendment to not be infringed, so the government cannot not limit a citizens right to have adequate firearms. The government also does NOT have the right to disarm citizens. This is our protection; so the government can never overpower the people. Remember, the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm connected with, BUT ALSO unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense from criminals and the government (who could be the biggest criminal).
The constitution guarantees that We The People are in control of the government. Whereas Leftist Democrats want the government to have complete control of the people as servants of the government.
The constitution was written to prevent government intrusion into our lives.
Remember, Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee proposed a gun control bill HR 127, to create a national firearm registration, licensing and psychological evaluations. Jackson Lee, 69, said an AR15 "is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving. And the bullet that is utilized, a .50 caliber, these kinds of bullets need to be licensed and do not need to be on the street.”
She wants to control Amrights to self-defense, but everything she said is a lie. A .50 caliber bullet would never fit in an AR15
If leftist democrats get their way, the only civilians allowed to own firearms to protect their families will be politicians, the ultra-rich, Hollywood and criminals. Democrat goals include Red Flag Laws - so anyone can take your firearms away without public court proceedings; Create universal registrations to keep a database of what firearms you own to protect yourself from criminals and the government so they can come and confiscate them; Tell you what kind of protection you can have; Heavily tax firearms and ammunition so only the rich can afford them; and Pack courts with anti-freedom, anti-independence and anti-gun stooges.
Biden wants a Gun Ban on the most common firearms in America; semi-automatic firearm rifles (such as the AR15) and 9 mm pistols, even though this was already tried with the 1994 Gun Ban on AR's, that the government admitted it did nothing to prevent crime. In addition, the 1939 the U.S. Supreme Court Collective Rights Approach, determined that Congress does not have the right to regulate a ban on firearms that have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia (which per Heller, also protects an individual right unconnected with a militia.)
Definitions: Civilian firearms are SEMI-AUTOMATIC, which means they only FIRE ONE BULLET AT A TIME. Military assault weapons of war are fully automatic. Biden and Harris want to confiscate or heavily tax handguns and rifles just because they LOOK like military weapons, pretending they are the equivalent of assault rifles:
Biden and Harris say they want a government Gun Ban, or a Buy-Back (confiscation) of firearms. How can they "buy-back" something that was never purchased from them? Per the Constitution, they don't have the right to disarm families who want independence and protection from criminals, while politicians and the wealthy are protected by fully automatic real assault rifles. Will criminals magically behave and give up their firearms if they make this into law?
Biden says he might allow honest citizens to keep firearms they already legally own, as long as they register the same way sex offenders are registered. Do you feel safe having your name in a national database with the type of firearms you own, your photo, fingerprints, address, and any other personal identifying information they decide on, just so you can have that information hacked into by thieves, or used against you by the government for possible confiscation?
In Biden's proposal, only the rich and politicians would be allowed to own firearms. Biden and Harris want to use taxes to punish law abiding gun owners, especially minorities, senior citizens and the poor. They want a database of every citizen and to impose a punitive tax of $200 on every semi-automatic firearm. And if that's not bad enough, they want an additional $200 tax on every magazine that holds more than the magic 10 rounds (bullets), and most firearms come with magazines that are detachable and hold 15 - 30 rounds. These taxes would apply to firearms and magazines people already own. So if you own one firearm with 4 magazines, you would pay 4 + 1 (to equal 5) federal fees of $200 each for a total of $1,000, just to keep one firearm you already own. Calculate what that adds up to if you have more than one firearm. How many middle class, elderly, or minorities could afford that to protect their families? Answer: None. So only the rich and politicians will be able to protect their families if the left gets its way.
Biden and Harris also want to make it illegal for people to buy firearms through the internet, but it is already illegal to purchase a firearm on the internet and have it shipped to your home. Currently this will send you to jail. However, you can legally pay for a firearm on the internet through various stores, BUT Federal Law mandates that firearms you purchase must still be shipped to a store with a Federal Firearms License (FFL). The store FFL Dealer has to complete an FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) on you, as required by federal law, before you can receive that firearm. This is the same federal background check you would have to pass if you purchased the firearm from their store directly anyway, so this is only a political move based on stupidity.
Biden also said he wants to get rid of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). The PLCAA was enacted by Congress in 2005 with broad bipartisan support of republicans and democrats both, to stop frivolous lawsuits seeking to hold firearm manufacturers liable for acts of criminals who used guns to commit offenses. This was done because a business is not responsible for wrongful acts of a third party that misuses its products. For example, the victim of an accident by a drunk driver cannot sue the car manufacturer or car dealer. Under this PLCAA law, you can still sue a firearm manufacturer for faulty parts, but you cannot sue them because someone misused their product, no more than you can sue the owner of a hardware store for selling you a hammer, if you later misused the hammer and smashed your thumb with it. Suing someone for misusing a product is insane, but bankrupting companies by forcing them to defend lawsuits, or to accept settlements that require punitive gun control measures, is the left's real agenda anyway. Biden says he wants to end this protective law, which will do nothing but force firearm manufacturers into bankruptcy. Then say good-bye to personal defense, defense of your family and defense by our military and police.
Biden also wants all guns to be "smart guns," like in science fiction movies. These do not work 100% of the time, they are expensive and do not exist in any practical form. What if your finger is dirty or sweaty, or the gun got wet, or the battery is low, or the electronics defected, then your firearm will not work. Will Biden and Harris use these to defend their families? Of course not.
The 2nd amendment guarantees us the infringed right to bear arms for individual protection. The left wants to register gun owners like sex offenders in a national database. Would you tell a criminal (with knowledge that one day the government could be that criminal) what you have to protect your family with? Would that be wise? Remember, crooks are not afraid to break into homes when people are home, as long as they know those people have no means of protecting themselves or their families.
Also ask yourself this question. Why do criminals vote for democrats?
Billionaire Bloomberg bodyguards. Criminals Prefer Unarmed Victims.Dictators Prefer Unarmed Citizens
Mark Robinson gave an impassioned speech at the Greensboro, NC, city council meeting in support of the Second Amendment. This speech is the best four minutes you'll ever watch about how important gun rights are to the majority of American citizens and especially those in the minorities.
First Biden says he will take away common firearms that protect us, then he says he won't, but then he says he will. Now he says he won't take them all but will register everyone like sex offenders in a federal database, and heavily tax the firearms and magazines that people already own. Harris wants a Buy-Back, which is the polite word for confiscation (theft). That sounds safe, right? Here is one union worker's response to Biden's plan to destroy our constitutional right.
Peter van Uhm decided to take up the gun. He stated sometimes only the gun can stand between good and evil, to stop those who would do evil, to protect the vulnerable, to defend values, and to stand up for freedom and make the world a better place.
Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels shared a video on Tuesday, stating he will "make special deputies of every lawful gun owner" in the county if his deputies aren't able to handle all protesters and violence in their community.
During a September 2019 “townhall” hosted by New Hampshire ABC affiliate WMUR, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made it clear that he does not believe the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms and that the U.S. Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller was incorrect.
Biden was asked, “Do you agree with the D.C. v. Heller decision in regards to protecting the individual right to bear arms that are in common use and which are utilized for lawful purposes?” Biden responded in part, “If I were on the court I wouldn’t have made the same ruling. OK, that’s number one.”
Later, the noted resume padder and law school plagiarist boasted, And I taught for years Constitutional law and separation of powers, I taught the Second Amendment. And the Second Amendment is not absolute. And we can argue, the fundamental argument is well regulated militia and all those things, I won’t get into that. I think that the fundamental argument is the reason that was given as a right because we needed to be able to muster people to deal with an enemy called Great Britain we were fighting in a war.
Aside from his denunciation of Heller and denial that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, Biden also displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment was not “given as a right” by the U.S. Constitution. Rather, as the U.S. Supreme Court made clear in Heller, the Second Amendment protects a right that pre-existed the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Biden’s position on Heller and the Second Amendment is in line with that of his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.). As District Attorney of San Francisco, Harris signed on to an amicus curiae brief in Heller that argued the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to keep and bear arms.
Advocating against the individual right to keep and bear arms, the brief argued, courts have consistently sustained criminal firearms laws against Second Amendment challenges by holding that, inter alia, (i) the Second Amendment provides only a militia-related right to bear arms, (ii) the Second Amendment does not apply to legislation passed by state or local governments,
According to the document, the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right, but rather, the lower court in Heller “create[d]”this right. The brief stated, The lower court’s decision, however, creates a broad private right to possess any firearm that is a “lineal descendant” of a founding era weapon and that is in “common use” with a “military application” today.
Biden’s position on the Second Amendment is also in alignment with recent versions of the Democratic Party Platform. The 2004, 2008, and 2012 editions of the party platform recognized that the Second Amendment protects an individual right. Such recognition of the Second Amendment was conspicuously absent from the 2016 and 2020 versions of the platform.
The Democratic presidential ticket’s rejection of the correct interpretation of the Second Amendment helps to explain the pair’s advocacy for blatantly unconstitutional gun control measures. Both Biden and Harris have called to ban and confiscate commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms. Biden has made clear that his desired ban would extend to arguably the most popular firearms in America - 9mm pistols. The Heller decision made clear that the Second Amendment protects the right to own firearms “in common use” for lawful purposes like self-defense.
It is hard to overemphasize the extremism of the Democratic presidential ticket’s position on the Second Amendment. A February 2008 USA Today/Gallup poll conducted prior to the Heller decision, asked those surveyed, “Do you believe the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns, or do you believe it only guarantees members of state militias such as National Guard units the right to own guns?” The response was unambiguous; 73-percent responded that the Second Amendment guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns, while a mere 20-percent limited that right to state militia members.
A Quinnipiac University poll conducted shortly after the Heller decision, in July 2008, mirrored these results. This poll asked respondents, “Would you support or oppose amending the United States Constitution to ban individual gun ownership?” 78-percent opposed such a measure, while only 17-percent were found to be in favor.
And in May 2009, CNN and ORC conducted a similar poll that asked “Which of the following comes closer to your interpretation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? In addition to addressing the need for citizen-militias, it was intended to give individual Americans the right to keep and bear arms for their own defense. It was only intended to preserve the existence of citizen-militias, and does not give individual Americans the right to keep and bear arms for their own defense.” Once again, the American public made their position clear; with 77-percent choosing “individual gun ownership” to 21-percent answering “only citizen-militias.”
Knowing that Biden’s true position on the Second Amendment is political poison, the Biden campaign and its surrogates have done their best to hide the candidate’s views.
In March, when a pro-gun Michigan autoworker accurately confronted Biden about the candidate’s attacks on the Second Amendment, a visibly defensive Biden responded that the worker was “full of s***.” Biden went on to falsely claim “I support the Second Amendment.”
More recently, longtime gun control activist John Rosenthal made the ludicrous claim that “a vote for Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress will…protect gun rights for law-abiding gun owners…” Rosenthal didn’t address how Biden will go about protecting a right that the candidate does not acknowledge exists.
The importance of Biden’s radical view of the Second Amendment cannot be overstated. The fate of the Second Amendment literally hangs in the balance of this election.
President Donald Trump remarked that a Biden presidency would mark an end for your Second Amendment rights.
Biden supports the most anti-freedom proposals ever placed on an official platform. His anti-gun wish list includes bans on the most-popular firearms and magazines, gun registration, licensing schemes and much more.
Kamala Harris, has also made her stances on the Second Amendment clear. Like Biden, she supports a long list of gun-control measures, but she didn’t stop there.
Harris said if Congress did not pass her anti-Second Amendment legislation within her first 100 days in office, she would take executive action. She advocated for the confiscation of firearms, which she referred to as a mandatory “buyback”; a position Biden also said he supports.
Meanwhile, Biden said Beto O’Rourke would help him “take care of the gun problem.” O’Rourke, another failed presidential candidate, said “Hell, yes we’re going to take your AR-15,” at a primary debate last fall.
Trump’s comments came as Americans are choosing to arm themselves in record-setting numbers.
President Donald Trump has been the most passionate president in protecting our 2nd Amendment
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