This site is dedicated to American life and features evidence and true data (facts)
This site is dedicated to American life and features evidence and true data (facts)
Human dignity requires freedom and fundamental freedoms are not an ideology. Those who dislike freedom try to benefit from a crisis to curtail freedom. Globalism then replaces socialism as a preparatory stage for communism. Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for a crisis, but there is the Build Back Better “Great Reset,” which is the brainchild of World Economic Forum (WEF) Founder Klaus Schwab, who has been planning the technocratic agenda to reset all society and the global economy.
The Great Reset calls for a complete restructuring of society where ownership is obsolete and privacy is non-existent thanks to invasive technologies from the Fourth Industrial Revolution that will lead us to, in Schwab’s words, “a fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identities.”
However, in that scenario, no one can be truly free if they are under constant surveillance and their behavior is tracked and monitored through digital devices via the Internet of Bodies that keep a record of their every social interaction, every purchase, carbon footprint, credit scores, and all health information - not to mention every link we click and every website we visit. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) already uses this information for their social credit system that determines who can have which services, which information people receive, and where you can or cannot travel; all based on your social credit score.
Proponents of the Great Reset, like Prince Charles, John Kerry, and Justin Trudeau, say the pandemic presents a golden opportunity to “Build Back Better” in resetting the global economy under a new social contract; a one world order.
The WEF envisions a future where we the people own nothing, and we all live in a “citizen-centered welfare state” while governments and “stakeholders” own and control everything.
A blog post from 2016 sums up what the WEF envisions for the year 2030 quite succinctly: “Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have would have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.”
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an International Organization founded in 1971, that engages political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Klaus Schwab, born in Germany in 1938, is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF.
The WEF is funded by membership, with leaders from companies with at least $5 billion in yearly turnover, as well as individuals including celebrities, journalists, and individuals/companies willing to pay $52,000 to $628,000 in annual dues and $19,000 per person for meeting fees.
In 2017, WEF launched the Fourth Industrial Revolution in San Francisco for the Earth Initiative. In 2018, WEF one project was the Earth BioGenome Project, to sequence the genomes of every organism on Earth. The next 2021 WEF will be held in May in Singapore.
The Great Reset Project (Build Back Better) was the name of the 2020 50th annual meeting. It is a five-point plan with the theme of rebuilding society and the economy following the COVID pandemic lockdowns.
In November 2020, a theory spread alleging elites planned to take advantage of the pandemic so they could secure greater levels of global economic control, and possibly societal control, like the New World Order.
"The Great Reset" was the theme of WEF's Annual Meeting in January 2021. The WEF feels the liberal western model is no longer a universal role model that other countries strive for (with China's digital totalitarianism as counter-proposals) all of which are represented by government members in Davos.
"Davos Man" refers to the wealthy global elite (predominantly) men, whose members view themselves as completely "international". According to Samuel P. Huntington, who invented the phrase "Davos Man," they are people who "have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the élite's global operations".
GDP (economic growth) is collapsing. Interest rates are rising. Inflation is exploding. Home sales are cratering.
The stock market has just suffered the worst few months since the 1929 stock market crash- which of course led to The Great Depression.
Gas is headed for shortages, gas lines and $10 per gallon. Grocery prices are exploding to unimaginable levels.
The supply chain is ruined. Massive food shortages are coming.
Baby formula shortages are getting worse. There are one-mile lines across America when government airlifts in baby formula. Airlifts? America now looks like “the Fall of Saigon.”
It’s only going to get much worse this summer. Energy experts are promising mass blackouts of the electric grid across America this summer.
Then there’s the massive crime and theft wave enveloping America’s Democrat run big cities. Under Joe Biden and his Marxist handlers…
America has become a “third world crap hole.”
Don’t forget open borders. Biden is desperate to open the floodgates and allow the whole world in. If Biden gets his way and Title 42 is lifted, millions of the world’s poorest and sickest migrants and violent criminals will pour through our open borders.
Let’s not forget Democrats want to take our guns away. I’ve seen a movie where only the government, military and police have guns. It’s called “Schindler’s List.”
1/31/21: by Greg Dawson: Democrats tend to be constitutionalists about government overreach -but only when they aren’t in power. After a week, Biden used executive orders to ram through pet causes. Biden killed jobs, stripped protections for the unborn, expanded immigration, kowtowed to the radical transgender enthusiasts and expanded Obamacare, just to name a few.
However, during the 2020 campaign, Biden was against the misuse of executive orders. “Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends, even occasionally say, ‘Well, if you can’t get the votes by executive order, you’re going to do something. Things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator,’” he continued. “We’re a democracy; we need consensus.”
Biden compared executive orders to unilaterally impose preferred policies to being a “dictator” and damaging “democracy.” But now Biden has no problem signing the radical leftist agenda into American law, order after order.
President Trump was treated differently as Democrats such as House Speaker Pelosi railed against his executive actions, calling them “absurdly unconstitutional.”
Biden is wielding it as a tool for radical transformation of the country while the establishment media look on like proud parents at their kid’s music recital.
Allowing a president to unilaterally act as a dictator is destructive to the future of the nation - just as Biden said.
via westernjournal
1/28/21: By Cristina Laila: Dictator Biden Signs Executive Orders - Refuses to Answer Questions from Reporters.
Remember Joe Biden Said Legislating by Executive Order Meant One was a Dictator? Joe Biden in October: “I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus."
Dictator Biden signed 2 executive orders restoring Obama’s highly unpopular “Affordable Care Act” that no one can afford. Shortly after signing the executive orders, Biden’s handlers shooed away reporters for no one is allowed to question Biden.
President Trump got rid of the oppressive individual mandate in his 2017 tax bill, but Biden will bring back the penalty for not having health insurance through executive orders, which will force those who cannot afford insurance, to pay penalty taxes.
1/28/21: By Cristina Laila: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki evaded the question when asked about Biden’s record number of executive orders. Dictator Biden signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders his first week in office and is legislating and ignoring Congress.
AP reporter Alexandra Jaffe asked Psaki about Biden going against his campaign pledge to “restore unity.” “Since Biden has gotten into office, he’s been acting largely unilaterally. I mean we saw record breaking number of executive orders… does the White House believe this is the best way to make policy…?” the reporter asked.
Be careful what you think, for someone might be listening.
Why is it that:
Joe Biden never denounced the violent terrorist/fascist group Antifa, that riot and vandalizes our society?
Why is it that Joe Biden cannot say the following words:
Leftist Bigger Government Socialist Policies
Leftist Increase in Government and Big Tech and Social Media Intervention
Do you want government infringing on our 1st amendment? Do you want people in government telling you what you are allowed to say and what you are not allowed to say based on their worldly views? Do you want Social Media and Big Tech companies censuring what you say and only allowing the public to hear what they agree with? Are you so stupid that you need a Big Tech corporation to filter your views? Do you not see the danger in that? Well, say good-bye to personal growth and growth as a nation, for the way to growth is by discussion of different view-points, for that produces clarity. Growth stops when we are artificially limited in what we can say through leftist ideology and political correctness. How can you grow when different points of view are not allowed?
Leftist Cancel Culture
The left uses their political weapon of cancel culture to silence those who disagree with them so they can ruin America with Big Government Socialist schemes and raise middle class taxes, take away our right to private health insurance, defund police, open our borders, give Medicare and Social Security to illegal aliens who never earned them, and strip away our God given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution. By deleting the past, future generations will have no clue what happened before they were born, so they can more easily be manipulated by the Left.
Leftist Massive Tax Hikes
On 2/28/20, Joe Biden stated at a South Carolina Campaign Rally that, “If you elect me, your taxes are gonna be raised, not cut.” So is there any part of that you don’t understand?
Leftist Open Borders
Biden wants to open our borders to everyone. On 3/15/20 Joe Biden stated on a CNN Debate the he wants, “Citizenship for 11 million undocumented folks.”
If 178 million more people (some estimate up to 2 billion) come to America, so many harmful events will occur:
Leftism Abolishing Private Health Insurance
Leftist End of Fossil Fuel
On 9/16/19 at the New Hampshire Campaign Event, Joe Biden said, “I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuel.”
Leftist Defunding the Police
Biden was asked about defunding and redirecting police funding to other causes in an interview. Biden replied, “Yes – absolutely!”
Biden said he wants to defund police, but why would Biden want to make our families less safe? Many city prosecutors that had campaigns funded by George Soros, release prisoners without bail, fail to prosecute criminals, release all illegal immigrants who committed crimes so they are not deported by ICE, and are releasing hardened felons before they have served their time. We have seen crime skyrocket in large cities, especially those governed by democrat mayors. They burn buildings that have nothing to do with protests, destroy cars that have nothing to do with protests, destroy public property that have nothing to do with protests, loot stores with threats that if they stop them they will cry “racist,” they threaten the public, rip people out of cars to beat them up, and threaten average homeowners in their own homes with bodily harm or with vandalism. So… is this a time when we need less police, or less equipped police when they could be the difference between our life and death?
Strip 2nd Amendment Rights from Honest Citizens
International Relations
Biden is already talking to Iran about restoring the terrible Obama deal he made with them. They never let international atomic commissions check their status, and since Trump put suctions on them, their money for terrorism has lessened, but if Biden restores their money, terrorism will increase, plus they will continue working towards a nuclear bomb. Why would anyone think that is a good idea?
Leftist View on Helping China
Biden said he will end trade restrictions on China, that will kill many American jobs. During Biden’s 47 years in Washington, Joe Biden has consistently supported giving China the best trade terms possible because he believes China isn’t a threat to America. Hundreds of thousands of American jobs have been lost to policies Joe Biden supports and more will be lost if Biden gets his way. However, his ultra-rich friends and Big Tech companies will flourish under Chinese cheap and slave labor.
How Much Does FREE COST In Socialist Countries?
Photo: Clockwise from top left: Fang with then-Dublin City Councilmember Eric Swalwell at an October 2012 student event; undated photo of Fang, now former Fremont Mayor Bill Harrison and Rep. Judy Chu; Fang with then-Rep. Mike Honda and then-San Jose city Councilmember Ash Kalra at a March 2014 event at the Chinese Embassy in D.C. Sources: Renren, Facebook, Facebook
3/28/21 Jimmy Wilson: Democrats last week tabled a GOP resolution to remove Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) from the House Intelligence Committee. Republicans have been pushing for Swalwell’s removal since Axios exposed the Democrat’s capers with Fang Fang, also known as Christine Fang, a spy from Communist China.
As Debra Saunders noted, Fang raised money for Swalwell’s 2014 reelection campaign and also helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s House office. That was actual collusion, from someone who falsely accused Trump of collusion with the Kremlin. Swalwell suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome, but there’s more to the California Democrat who fell for the honey trap, the oldest espionage trick in the book.
Swalwell faithfully repeated Chinese Communist propaganda practically word for word, and it’s hard to find a case where Swalwell disagrees with China or criticizes their human rights record. The PRC is in fact a genocidal Stalinist dictatorship, a reality Democrats and Republicans alike these days tend to ignore.
Democrats want him to stay on the committee, and nobody in Congress seems interested in finding out what, exactly, Fang Fang may have learned from Swalwell during the tender moments they shared, or what information the Fang-sponsored intern may have passed on to China.
Unlike the Soviet Union, China has no need for the Communist Party USA. The Democratic Party functions as China’s wholly owned subsidiary. Xi Jinping enjoys assets in the White House, Senate, and House, where PoonFang pushover Eric Swalwell remains on the intelligence committee.
via amgreatness
Think how similar this sounds to the democrat party: Hitler was the president of Germany's Democrat Socialist Party. In 1933, Hitler appointed Hermann Goring Minister of the Interior. His first orders were to Defund and Eliminate Police Departments so that they would not interfere with his Brown Shirts whose mission it was to Riot, Burn, Beat Up and Kill Citizens in an effort to sway the elections.
Does that sound smiliar to the left wing of today's democrat party? They try to condemn President Trump for the crimes they are committing.
The left want to defund police so criminals run free and defund ICE so illegal alien criminals are not put in jail or deported. They encourage BLM, Antifa and others to riot and burn our cities down, loot stores which destroys the financial future of those store owners, and they beat up or murder anyone they see to instill fear by terrorist acts. So far 30 people have been murdered and $2 billion of damage has been done by democrat riots.
The left wants to destroy and cancel all American history for they know intelligent people learn from past history so they recognize the danger of preserving history. If the left continues to destroy all history, how will future generations know how to recognize leftist evil? Why are democrats following the paths of evil? And now we have Bejing Biden to lead us further into chaos and destruction.
“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
― Joseph Stalin
The democrats with Antifa, BLM and mainstream media talked of nothing but hatred and name calling of President Trump for 4 years. Biden has been in his basement for the past year and continued to call Trump supporters racists, bigots, xenophobes, misogynists, sexists and transphobes. Plus democrats and media had Trump constantly under investigation by government agencies who were supposed to be assisting him. Democrats accused him of colluding with Russia but we find out after 2 years and over $30 million for investigation by democrats that hated President Trump, that after they looked into everything in his life, he did nothing wrong. Next democrats charge President Trump with impeachment over asking the President of Ukraine if he was looking into the bribes with the Biden family and their prior corrupt government and dealings with Burisma (where Hunter Biden worked.) Now we find out the FBI has also been looking into this. Then we have Hollywood badmouthing the President for 4 years, and Big Tech and Social Media companies censoring what he says while they let his enemies say anything they want about him. The left wing media has done nothing but lie and make up stories about the President. Add to this the violent Antifa and BLM crowds who burned city downtowns and looted stores causing $2 billion of damage. Plus since their violent protests and riots there have been over 30 murders. Democrats that have the philosophy of making the country afraid of them with their childish, violent, temper tantrum attitudes controlled by barbaric mob rules, now want us all to be nice. When Obama was president, BLM formed, Antifa rose up, racism increased, terrorism increased, poverty increased and our rights were constantly on the verge of being stripped away, but republicans did not resort to childish behavior and did not burn cities down. When Trump became president the democrats showed their true deviant behavior. Now that Biden might be president, democrats want us all to be nice? So republicans are just supposed to be door mats? That is so disingenuous and insulting.
We burnt cities down, censured free speech and stole an election, so let's now unify under mob rules
Speaker of the Senate Charles Schumer attempts to Incite Insurrection and threatens the Judicial Branch of the United States government, as well as individual Supreme Court Justices, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh with violence.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) urged Democratic supporters to confront and harass Trump administration officials if they see them in public. How can a person with so much hatred in their heart be allowed in Congress? Why is it ok for Maxine Waters to incite violence and riots by democrat thugs? Is this how we show love for one another?
Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder tells a crowd to “kick” Republicans, prompting the crowd to cheer and chant “fight” in response. Holder's remarks were at a rally in support of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams in Stockbridge, Georgia on October 7, 2018. Is this how we expect government officials to behave, promoting violence?
In Facebook, Michigan Democrat Rep. Johnson told the president's backers to "be careful" and "walk lightly. For those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay." In another post, Johnson urged "soldiers against racism" and "misogyny" to "rise." And what committee does she sit on? The House Agriculture; Oversight; and Families, Children and Seniors committees
Watch this now, it keeps getting censored and deleted
Maximo Alvarez, founder of Sunshine Gasoline, spoke on Aug. 24, 2020 of what it was like to leave Cuba and flee to the United States and his fear of America turning into the communist country he fled by the leftist democrats.
Commentary on the future of the USA, the nature of communism and socialism, how they use tactics to come to power, and the November Elections...from one who knows.
One of the most important elections of our lifetime is just a few days away and we feel the imperative to let our opinion be heard across the Jewish community.
We are a group of Jews who left the Soviet Union and came to United States in the latter part of the last century. The reason we left the country – whose language, culture and traditions we grew up with was quite simple. The USSR’s political system, built on left-wing ideology and Marxist principles, deprived us from being Jews within our country. We also realized that the Socialist/Communist system was not a place where Jews and many other nationalities and ethnicities were equal and had an opportunity to prosper. Through the personal experiences of our families and ‘illegal’ avenues such as Voice of America, Radio of Israel, and other media sources, we were discovering the fate of millions of Jews and others. And as we know now many millions were killed and destroyed by Communists in the name of a better future and equality for mankind.
However, over the course of many years living in the U.S., enjoying freedoms and opportunities that this country provided, and communicating with citizens of this country, we noticed that the vast majority of local Jews were tilted toward the socialist ideology, that same ideology we flew away from many years ago. That same ideology which nowadays is embraced by many members of the Democratic party.
So here is the question: Why do American Jews vote for Democrats? Why don’t American Jews look at the history of their own families? You will be hard pressed to find a single Jewish American family without member(s) that were not killed, prosecuted or destroyed by the left-wing ideology in the likes of communism, socialism, or Marxism. “We don’t need you to work. We need you to suffer.” That is the ultimate aim of the above -isms – different names for the same brutal and soul-destroying system. It is the left-wing ideology which created monsters such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ceausescu, Castro, Chavez, etc., the same left-wing ideology that resulted in the Holocaust, Holodomor, Gulag, and the forceful relocation of millions of Ashkenazi Jews all across Europe.
Why do liberal American Jews support ideas, and the party which aims to destroy all of the great achievements and benefits created by free market capitalism and replace it with a system known for its political and religious suppression as well as spectacular economic failures? It is a system which failed everywhere it was imposed (i.e., the Soviet Union, which doesn’t even exist anymore; Eastern European countries, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, to name a few).
Russian Jews were some of the most eager supporters of the Russian Bolshevik revolution and were disposed of first among all of those prosecuted as soon as the new order was established. Modern American Jews would suffer from the same fate. From the socialism/communism/Marxism perspective Jews are always considered second class citizens. As soon as Jews are no longer at the dinner table, they are on the menu.
A Russian Jew Leon Trotsky (born Lev Bronstein), who, along with Lenin, led the Bolshevik Party in Russia, was a catastrophe for Jews and for humanity. In 1920, when Trotsky was head of the Red Army, Moscow’s chief rabbi, Rabbi Jacob Mazeh, asked him to use the army to protect the Jews from pogroms in which tens of thousands of Jews were murdered. Trotsky responded: “Why do you come to me? I am not a Jew,” to which Rabbi Mazeh answered: “That’s the tragedy. It’s the Trotskys who make revolutions, and it’s the Bronsteins who pay the price.” That is the story of the many Jewish leftists to this day: Jewish leftists make revolutions, and all the Jews (and millions of others) pay the price.
What legacy are modern American Jews leaving for their children and grandchildren? If America tilts toward socialism, communism, Marxist-Leninist doctrine, or left-wing progressivism as the Democrat Party now eagerly promotes, there will be no happy ending.
Nonetheless, we still hope that at the end of the day American Jews will be able to see through the fog of detrimental liberal ideology and vote for leaders and policies that reject socialism, that guarantee our safety, security, prosperity, religious, cultural and economic freedom, that support our law enforcement, that preserve our Constitution and our way of life.
– Gene Bonderman, Salem; Konstantin Raptunovich, Swampscott Alexandra Zacharova, Salem; Mila Lozovskaya, Swampscott; Boris Karan, Lynn; Irina Galperina, Ashland ;Vera Foygelman, Stoughton; Alex Foygelman, Stoughton; Naum Kipervasser, Swampscott; Mila Kipervasser, Swampscott; Dina Gleyzer, West Roxbury; Regina Milrud, Brooklyn,New York; Dmitrij Milrud, Brooklyn, New York; Lyudmila Bruk, Brooklyn, New York
Socialism is great for the elite and ultra-rich as the middle class works to make them richer.
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