This site is dedicated to American life and features evidence and true data (facts)
This site is dedicated to American life and features evidence and true data (facts)
1/4/21: By Jose Nino: Election irregularities motivated over 400 people from the intelligence community, judiciary, law enforcement, and military to form a network to look into acts of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
Robert Caron, one main organizer, previously worked at the CIA and Special Situation Group. The latter is a task force President Bush established that covers strategic planning, technologies, and foreign and domestic investigations.
Caron joined when many in the intelligence community were witnessing an uptick in sketchy activity. A large number of intelligence officers were keeping information away from their superiors, while their leaders prevented information from going public.
In 2014, Flynn was forced to resign as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) because Flynn claimed he was framed in the Russia-collusion investigation due to Obama’s fear that Flynn would expose his administration’s dirty laundry.
“President Obama was not acting properly on intelligence that he received concerning Benghazi,” Caron stated, alluding to an attack of U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, where four Americans were killed. This incident motivated a good portion of the intelligence community to join this network to expose administrative corruption.
Following irregularities in the 2020 election, the investigation network grew substantially. “The fraud was so massive and blatant, despite what mainstream media said, that we need to get this information out to the public”. “That’s why more and more people from the intelligence community and law enforcement are coming out.” This network’s main focus is to determine if the Chinese Communist Party played a key role in interfering during the 2020 elections.
Imagine on Election Night if Biden had huge leads in PA, WI, MI, GA - his election confirmed. Now in the dead of morning, huge ballot dumps appeared that favored Trump and dissolved Biden’s win. The counting stops in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Atlanta. Upon restart, Biden’s has huge leads amid waves of ballots marked “Donald Trump.” What would the left say? Give in and concede in spite of the clear fraud?
In swing states, President Trump was ahead, then all of a sudden in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, they stopped counting. With no new vote counting, we wake up and suddenly the computer systems (mostly run by Dominion) say Biden is ahead. So mystery votes came in - ALL for Biden and ZERO for Trump, or any Independents, Green Party, etc., but 100% for Biden? Do you believe that?
Giuliani suggested Democrats got desperate and sloppy. In Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Trump’s leads were unbreakable, spurring a democrat campaign to wipe those leads out. Trump’s team claims Democrats electronically manipulated the vote in those 4 states, in a manner so desperate it left too large an imprint to not invite suspicion.
A survey from Politico/Morning Consult showed Republicans who do not believe this year’s election was fair has doubled, from 35 % before Election Day to 75 %. According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 %, believe the election was stolen from Trump. Biden will have an asterisk on his presidency. While the poll showed a partisan divide that 75 % of Republicans believe the election was stolen from Trump, 30 % of Democrats also believe it was stolen.
A country where less than 41 % have complete faith in its elections is heading toward disaster.
Many Americans have a mistrust of state ballot counts, the media, and a conviction that Trump won
6/19/21: by Mark Hale: Ruby, Shaye and Ralph at the State Farm Center. Ralph Jones sent home all of the election observers. Then his crew, including Ruby and daughter Shaye, went to work on election night! Carter Jones from Seven Hill Strategies outlined “massive” election integrity failures and mismanagement he witnessed in Atlanta-area’s election. Carter Jones tells of two more instances where election officials were double-scanning votes late at night after election observers and news media was sent home!
Just before 11:30 p.m., Jones notes “confusion about whether or not they’re still scanning at State Farm because there were reports that the staff told the rest of the staff and press to leave, but I am still getting number reports.” Jones later arrives at State Farm Arena just before midnight and finds “staff are still scanning on all five scanners.” About twenty minutes later, “Ralph re-scanned ballots already processed by Shaye.” Observing counting the second day after the election, Jones wrote of a machine that “shut down because it was causing problems.” “Double-feeding and cutting through the envelope and the ballot, leads to even more duplicates,” he said. The Gateway Pundit was first to report Ruby Freeman was also seen double scanning stacks of ballots at the State Farm Center in Atlanta, Georgia after observers were sent home on election night. Our source caught Ruby Freeman in the purple shirt scanning the same stack of ballots multiple times on election night. Now we know Ralph Jones was also double scanning the ballots on election night.
Click photo above to watch De Blasio's daughter's speech:
11/12/20: By Mark Hale: New York Mayor De Blasio’s daughter was on camera when she told an interviewer that JOE BIDEN “WAS ABLE TO STEAL” the election.
De Blasio said that Biden stole the election, before correcting herself. “Joe Biden WAS ABLE TO STEAL… steal no, was able to win,” she said before apologizing.
The 25-year-old was arrested during a George Floyd protest in May.
via zerohedge
The US Supreme Court NEVER said there was no voter fraud, like Mainstream Media says in their propaganda. They only said they would not hear the case, Most likely they did not want to get involved. They said Texas did not have a right to bring the case since the lawsuit said fraud occurred in other states.
The lawsuit named Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, accusing those states of improperly handling mail-in ballots and changing rules that shouldn’t have been allowed to be legally changed at the time. The people who changed those state's rules did not have the authority to do so.
According to Newsmax, the High Court issued a two-paragraph order on the matter stating, “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections,” the court wrote in an unsigned ruling on the matter.
Dec 3, 2020: NTD: Footage of State Farm Arena in Atlanta shows that after poll monitors and media were told counting was done, four workers stayed behind to count ballots, at times pulling out hidden boxes and suitcases containing ballots from underneath desks.
Nov. 27, 2020: by Jim Hoft: Dominion Voting Systems is in a panic as more and more Americans learn of their role in stealing the 2020 election from President Donald Trump. Dominion says assertions of vote Sswitching are “Completely False,” but there are two videos of dominion executive Eric Coomer showing how to switch votes. There is also a video of 19,958 votes switched on election night from President Trump to Joe Biden in Pennsylvania.
In 2016 Coomer told the Illinois States Board of Elections that it was possible to bypass election systems software and in 2017 Eric Coomer explained how to alter votes in the Dominion Voting Systems in a Chicago demonstration.
Nov. 17, 2020: by Jim Hoft: Two of the main election software companies that have been called into question - Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic – sit on CISA. The related Dominion equipment is used in North Carolina, Nevada, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania – key battleground states this year.
In Ausust 2017 Smartmatic Director Antonio Mugica admitted that Smartmatic machines and software created at least one million phantom votes in the national elections in Venezuela. Mugica added that the fact election observers were not in the room helped Smartmatic machines steal the election.
Greg Dawson: 12/4/20: “What they would do is they would log these disks in and out. Good practice. And the disks had a serial number on them. And numerous times that disk would be logged out with one vote total on it and logged back in the next morning during the early vote period with a different number on it. Sometimes more, sometimes less,” Binnall said.
“What that means is that literally in the dead of night, votes were appearing, and books are disappearing on these machines.”
Binnall said that the USB drives were not encrypted and the voting machines were not password protected.
Nov. 19, 2020: According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 %, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified the winner, there will be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 % of Republicans believe the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, 30 % of Democrats believe it is very likely that it was.
Nov. 21, 2020: While some mainstream media attacked the Trump campaign raising questions about voter fraud and/or irregularities in the election, the Federal Election Commission Chair Trey Trainor said the Trump campaign is bringing “legitimate accusations” to court in the form of affidavits of credible witnesses and other evidence in their challenges in various states. “What I would be concerned with... is that if you look at the level of evidence provided by these affidavits - hundreds of affidavits that corroborate events that happened... you have to take the evidence of the plaintiff as being true,” Trainor told “Just the News AM” television show Friday morning. As we reported previously, there have been all kinds of affidavits submitted showing problematic issues, from machines wrongly opened/tampered with prior to use in the election, counters giving Trump votes to Biden and hundreds of pristine non-creased ballots suddenly showing up all marked “Biden.” Some of those affidavits are from people who say they are Democrats. Clearly there was fraud/irregularities.
Nov. 11, 2020: James O’Keefe just released audio of USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins being interviewed by a federal agent who was admittedly putting pressure on him, trying to twist him:RECORDING: Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story. Hopkins doubles down... Agent Strasser: “I am trying to twist you a little bit” “I am scaring you here”...” we have Senators involved...DOJ involved...reason they called me is to try to harness.” In the audio, we hear the federal agent saying he was intentionally putting pressure on Hopkins, trying to twist him for the purposes of making his mind more clear so that he might remember differently what he thought he heard in the first place about his supervisor and postmaster discussing the backdating of ballots. loyal ones.
Nov. 24, 2020: By Shane Trejo: In the direct aftermath of the election, Facebook instituted brand new draconian censorship measures in order to prevent electoral fraud whistleblowers from having their voices heard on the platform. If the election steal isn’t reversed, Western Civilization is finished, and the Beast System will reign supreme over the world.
Nov. 8, 2020: Media start every story about voter fraud with the phrase “without evidence” or “without a SHRED of evidence” or they call it “baseless.” But Republicans keep showing evidence, then they ignore it or play it down like “oh it’s not WIDESPREAD.” If there are instances of fraud or abuse that exhibit a pattern then you should assume the POTENTIAL to be other examples, and therefore go check before you just hand over an election. Project Veritas journalists found eight-to-ten spoiled ballots Thursday set outside a voting site here in trash bags in violation of Pennsylvania and federal law. “These ballots can’t be part of a recount, because they were tossed out with the garbage,” said James O’Keefe. “Not only were they tossed out, but someone also ripped up the ballots by hand.” Al Gore wasn’t ready to concede despite the networks calling it, and went all the way to the Supreme Court over the issue of Florida ballots. When Trump does a similar thing, with MORE foundation and more legal precedence, they claim he’s UNDERMINING FAITH IN OUR ELECTIONS. Like, what, the the democrats and media said for 4 years straight that Russia rigged the 2016 election doesn’t undermine it?
Nov. 7, 2020: A whistle blower came forward in Clark County, Nevada, saying they witnessed mail ballots being counted without signatures being verified and address discrepancies ignored. A whistleblower in Nevada who works as an election official, has sworn an affidavit declaring that he witnessed illegitimate processing of ballots, Breitbart News reported on Saturday, Nov. 7, citing Fox News. The Nevada GOP sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department on Thursday, citing at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud. Another whistleblower in Pennsylvania also decided to testify under oath before Congress about the falsification of the date on ballots arriving after the Election Day. On Saturday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), announced the Senate Judiciary Committee will open an investigation into the issue after receiving the Hopkins’s affidavit. SORRY ABOUT THE VIDEO, JUST ONE MORE EXAMPLE OF DIGITAL FASCISM BY YOUTUBE CENSORSHIP
By Joe Hoft, November 9, 2020: There is now a pattern of events we have uncovered across the country where votes are being taken from Republicans at all levels and transferred to competing Democrats in offsetting amounts. These are not random because in every case votes are moved from Republicans to Democrats. When this one is confirmed it will result in a 19,500 vote gain for Trump making the Wisconsin race a total toss-up. Maybe it is time to classify ‘glitches’ that go only one way – in the Democrats favor – as a Strategy to steal the election, not a ‘glitch’. This is now a countrywide issue.
Politico reports a technology glitch that halted voting in two Georgia counties on Tuesday was caused by a vendor uploading an update to their election machines the night before, a county election supervisor said. "Ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans... tabulating software 'glitched'... We now discovered 47 counties used this same software." "Ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans... tabulating software 'glitched'... The election software system in Michigan switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden is called "Dominion." It is used in 30 states including: Nevada, Arizona, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Why has there been no signs of voter fraud with "glitches" changing votes to favor President Trump?
Dead people voted in Pennsylvania and the computer software, which they called a "glitch," changed Trump votes to Biden votes. Why is it no dead people voted for President Trump? Are you aware that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cannot change the rules to allow voting after November 3rd? Therefore, all votes after that date are not valid, so President Trump won Pennsylvania by a huge margin.
Joe Biden stated, "We have put together, I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American Politics." Sky News host Rowan Dean says a Biden America will accelerate the rise of forces determined to destroy freedoms and the western way of life. “From China, Iran, Islamic fundamentalism and totalitarian globalism, not to mention neo-Marxist identity politics and the impoverishment of the industrialised West at the hands of the climate change cult,” Mr Dean said. “China will surge, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and their fascist acolytes will accelerate their plans to impose their sinister Great Reset upon our way of life, the Trump peace plan in the Middle East will wither as the Arab states retreat into their shells and prepare for war with the evil nation that Joe Biden was complicit in sending plane loads of gold bullion to, Iran. “Indeed, Biden has said he will reactivate the Iran nuclear deal.
Republican Party chair calls for investigation into Michigan ballot counting process. Poll Workers blocked windows and kicked republican poll watchers out, while ballot counters were told to back-date ballots. So if this was a transparent honest count, why was it done in secret darkness? People only go into the dark when they have something to hide.
So far, there are 234 pages of sworn affidavits alleging Election irregularities from just ONE county in Michigan:
Media declared Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election although that isn’t their job plus voting recounts and legal challenges still remain says Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi. “This is an extraordinary decision, but it fits the history where the media manufactured negative Trump tales and failed to cover the failings of Joe Biden". Mr Trump is refusing to concede and vows to fight for a recount in several states. Mr Bernardi said the “most worrying thing about this election, is the clear vote tampering” and that US media dismissed evidence of fraud in the presidential election. He said the “once great representative democracy” has now been tainted by shameless media bias, blatant big tech censorship, partisan pollsters and ballot tampering. “All of these things have been done to favour the Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden”. "I think something stinks to high heaven in this election," he said.
Project Veritas on Monday evening released undercover video of a Google program manager confirming election interference in favor of Joe Biden.
“When you type in Donald Trump it’s all negative and when you type in Joe Biden it’s all positive,” Project Veritas said to Google program manager Ritesh Lakhkar.
Ritesh Lakhkar responded and said, “It’s skewed by owners and drivers of the algorithm.”
Nov. 24, 2020, by Evan James: They’re not buying the propaganda. According to a CNBC/Change Research poll, 97 % of Trump voters either think Trump won the election or are unsure about the true winner. A mere 3 % said they thought Joe Biden won. In related news, 72 % of Republican voters want their party leaders to affiliate themselves with Trump’s “America First” policies, even if Biden pulls off the steal and gets inaugurated. Further data shows 66 % of Trump voters do not want Trump to ever concede and 31 % want Trump to continue his court battles until it’s officially over.
From Sky News Australia: Project Veritas has released a video on Twitter which alleges there may have been cases of voter fraud in Michigan after a postal service worker claimed they were directed by their supervisor to change post stamps on mail-in ballots so they could count illegitimate votes.
RIGGED ELECTION: TX 'Ballot Chaser' Illegally Pressures Voters To Change Votes; "I could go to jail" Texas woman gets paid $50,000 (from who?) in order to bribe 7,000 people to vote for Democrats in Texas. Who are the 7,000 people and how many others were paid for vote harvesting? And who paid them?
Authorities in Arizona are investigating after more than a dozen ballots were stolen from mailboxes and discovered last week at a farm. The Arizona Attorney General's Office (AGO) said Tuesday that a worker at a farm located a stack of unopened mail-in ballots on Friday near the intersection of 99th and Glendale avenues and reported it to Glendale Police. The Glendale Police Department shared on Facebook the man who made the discovery, Brayan Ruiz, located a total of 18 ballots in a field "underneath some concrete and rocks." How many other republican ballots were stolen and not found?
CBS New York: 26-year-old Postal Service mail carrier has been arrested, accused of dumping mail which included election ballots into a dumpster.
Sky News Australia Host Alan Jones says there is something odd about the hundreds and thousands of postal votes which "have magically materialised for Biden" in the last 24 hours.
University of Sydney Associate Professor Salvatore Babones says the concerning thing about the US election is the “potential for voter fraud”.
Last night President Trump was leading significantly in several swing states including Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Then all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 138,339 votes and gained the lead over President Trump.
Donald Trump's Lawyer on Potential Election Fraud & Illegal Votes | Good Morning Britain
Nov 8: Ben Shapiro: In the wake of the 2020 election, many Americans are searching for answers, and for any sign of what the future holds. Dr. Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, pundit, renowned classicist and military historian, has studied enough history to have ideas of what might come next. Where will the Republican party go from here, and what could the next four years look like for conservatives with the strong likelihood of an incoming Biden administration? Professor Hanson discusses this and more.
So since Democrats feel it's ok to censor anyone who disagrees with them, what would a future be like if Democrats ever get complete control of our government? Do you have your own opinions or thoughts you may want to share? Would it make you happy to know that the only information allowed is propaganda approved by the leftist Democrats? Sound like communist China?
Joe Biden's Twitter account got a sizable boost in August from tens of thousands of fake followers purchased from the foreign troll farms in rural India, an investigation has found. A Zenger News investigation reveals Biden's increasing social media footprint in India came from India's troll farms boosting his candidacy. Some operators who worked on the campaign spoke about how propaganda agencies in New Delhi and Mumbai activated a widely distributed troll network to amplify Biden's campaign impact on Twitter. Using aliases—each worker controls several hundred—they schedule tweets, check engagement stats and, at the close of their shifts, fill up a spreadsheet with their analytics from the previous day. Most "sock puppets," as they're called, typically retweet only a few specific accounts in intermittent bursts of high volume. Based on the sample Zenger News examined, it appears more than 100,000 accounts joined Biden's followers in August.
Nov. 4, 2020: from LifeSiteNews: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò weighs in on the US Presidential election with an important message for the American people. One of the commenters said this profound statement: President Trump made the hatred of the enemy appear in plain sight for everyone to see."
Nov. 4, 2020, Dr. Steve Turley (PhD, Durham University and author) : A NEW CONSERVATIVE AGE IS RISING - The Democrats are trying to steal this election; it’s patently obvious, and we’re going to get right into it, we’re going to look at what the prospects are for them to pull it off; I don’t think they can, I don’t think at this point they’re going to be able to do it, and I’ll give you my assessment as to why!
Nov. 5, 2020: by Dr. Taylor Marshall, PhD. One commenter said, "God bless America, God bless President Donald Trump, and God bless you for speaking the truth! Good will always prevail over evil! No one should wave the white flag of surrender! Keep praying and call those Senators and Congressman in those corrupt swing states! Demand accountability for a free and fair election. Tell them to stop the fraud! Rise up Soldiers of Christ!" Another said, "Be of good cheer my friends. All is not lost. Our Lord still sits upon His throne in Heaven. We His soldiers here in enemy territory are "The Resistance". Hasn't that always been the case? This is our calling. This is our time in history. There are few greater pure joys in life than frustrating the plans of the powerful and the wicked. You are not abandoned. You are not alone. Embrace the battle."
Nov 5, 2020, Dr. Steve Turley: AMERICANS are RISING UP Against the MASSIVE DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD that’s trying to steal this election! In this video, we’re going to look at demonstrations that are taking place at key election counting centers, how such demonstrations are turning up the heat on corrupt ballot counters and electors, and how the media is trying but failing to cover up this fraud; you are not going to want to miss this!
Nov. 6, 2020: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) wrote a message asking if anyone was registering those who defend the integrity of the U.S. electoral process. This message is taken as an attempt by AOC to threaten and intimidate Americans working to protect the integrity of the electoral process, considered Bronson Stocking, editor of Townhall, on Nov. 6. The left spent four years screaming that Trump was a fascist, and yet the moment they think he will lose, they are writing up lists of people to strip of their rights and property.
Information was leaked by a disaffected insider of the “Sunrise Movement,” part of a coordinated network of left-activists mobilizing across the U.S. to ferment chaos in the wake of a potential Trump victory or a contested election. “We have been in discussion for a couple of months about how to respond to different contested election scenarios. The first step is we think we need to start the post-election phase in the streets, so we invite everyone to come to BLM (Black Lives Matter) Plaza ... We’re going to shut down the White House... we’re going to shut down larger parts of D.C., and then the following week, all the mainstream groups are going to come to D.C.” “Is there going to be a war? Are people going to get killed? Like, is that on anybody else’s mind? I’m guessing it is. We’e gonna see potential fighting all over the county or in some hotspots.” “Whoever’s got the guns can win – let’s take over the buildings!
12/10/20: By Shane Trejo: Attorney Sidney Powell appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on 12/10/20 to give additional details about Dominion and Smartmatic voting software, which is now being referred to as a “Cyber Pearl Harbor.”
“They designed and developed Smartmatic and Dominion programs and machines that include a controller module that allows people to log in and manipulate the vote even as it's happening,” Powell said. “We are finding more and more evidence of this.” Powell claims her legal team compiled “reams of actual documents” from the firms showing Dominion and Smartmatic “planned and executed all of this.”
“We know $400 million came into Smartmatic from China only a few weeks before the election, that there are George Soros connections to the entire endeavor,” Powell said – bringing up Eric Coomer and Mark Malloch Brown as two individuals she believes are involved with the entire scheme.
Documents are being reviewed and investigators are getting a clear picture of who the major players are. Some include former Venezuelan communications director Jorge Rodriguez, Hezbollah liaison Khalil Majid Mazoub, software designer Gustavo Reyes Zumeta, and Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mujica. “Frankly, our national security agency and defense intelligence agency need to be all over this immediately. The evidence is overwhelming and troubling that this has been going on and didn’t just start this year,” Powell said.
“The Constitution…has provisions for how you fix this, and there should never be another election conducted in this country using a Dominion machine and Smartmatic software,” she explained. “We’ve got to have an American company that uses paper ballots we can all verify so every one of us can see that our vote is our vote.”
…Powell detailed many ways Dominion software enabled the transfer of votes from President Trump to “president-elect” Biden on election day.
“I have multiple emails from people in other countries who watched the same pattern happen there. We have witnesses that the same things were done in those countries as this was exported by Maduro, and by Mr. Chavez, and by Cuba, and, of course, we know China also has a substantial presence in Venezuela and a substantial interest in making sure President Trump does not continue in office,” she explained.
“This is foreign interference in our election in the most criminal way you can imagine. We know one of Dominion’s highest level employees, or officers, went to Detroit to man the Detroit operations center where he could watch votes coming in real time and decide what file folder in the system to put those votes into,” Powell continued. “That’s why you see massive spikes after hours when people were told all votes were in and all the votes were counted.
Many Dominion employees already reached out to tell the truth. They are Americans who want to ensure election integrity.
12/9/20: by Attorney General Eric Schmitt: A coalition of 17 state attorneys general, led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, filed an amicus brief in the State of Texas v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Georgia, State of Michigan and State of Wisconsin to urge the Court to grant Texas leave to file their original action.
The brief states that the Texas “Bill of Complaint raises constitutional questions of great public importance that warrant this Court’s review.”
Along with Missouri, attorneys general from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia also signed on to the brief.
There are 3 main arguments in the brief. First, the separation of powers provision of the Constitution’s Elector’s Clause is a structural check on government that safeguards liberty. Second, stripping away safeguards of voting by mail can create risks of voter fraud. Third, the defendant states abolished critical safeguards against fraud in voting by mail.
12/9/20: By Ebony Bowden (New York Post): Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed suit asking the Supreme Court to scrap Biden’s wins in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and delay the appointment of presidential electors in those states so allegations of fraud can be investigated. Paxton’s office charged the 4 swing states “exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results.”
On 12/9/20, 17 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia) filed a brief with the Supreme Court siding with the Texas lawsuit against the 4 battleground states, charging they acted unlawfully by changing election laws. The states have an interest in the case because “the unconstitutional administration of elections” in other states dilutes votes among their own constituents.
President Trump’s campaign announced joining the suit, alleging his “rights as a candidate” were affected by the states’ “failure to follow and enforce state election laws during the 2020 election.”
12/10/20: by Jordan Williams (The Hill): Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed lawsuit to the Supreme Court against Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. It argues electors from those states should not cast votes because the states unconstitutionally changed their voting processes to allow mail-in voting.
The attorneys general of seventeen states: Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia filed an amicus brief on 12/9/20.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a separate brief in support of the case.
Trump filed a motion to intervene in the case, and asked Texas Sen. Ted Cruz to argue the case before the high court. The president and his allies allege widespread voter fraud.
The defendant states are set to file their oppositions to the high court by 12/10/20, according to CNBC.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks knowDecember 8, 2020: By Steven Nelson: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is seeking to toss the Nov. 3 vote results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin that certified wins for Joe Biden. Paxton’s office said the states used the COVID-19 pandemic to ignore federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing results. Paxton wrote the Court should vacate the States’ elector certifications from the unconstitutional 2020 election results.
Technically, the US Constitution allows Republican held legislatures of Biden won swing states including AZ, GA, MI, PA and WI, to override the popular vote and select Trump electors, though none have moved to do so.
Dec 8, 2020: by Evan James: State of Texas filed a lawsuit with the US Supreme Court, alleging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were unconstitutional. It argues these four states in particular ignored federal and state election laws by changing voting rules and procedures at the last minute, and these changes affected the outcome of the results. Paxton said. “The states violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution. By ignoring both state and federal law, these states have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but of Texas and every other state that held lawful elections. Their failure to abide by the rule of law casts a dark shadow of doubt over the outcome of the entire election. We now ask that the Supreme Court step in to correct this egregious error.”
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